Our Mission
We encourage members to get involved in what God is doing through ACC’s local and global efforts. Some are called to go, others are called to pay, but all are encouraged to pray. Agape offers a variety of opportunities for you to get involved. Some of our volunteer areas include:
Pecan Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Haven for Hope Ministry
Feed my Sheep Ministry
AGORA Ministries
Food Bank Ministry
Christmas Toy Drive and Taco & Testimonies
Westover Hills Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
A.C.T.S Ministry

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We are passionate about spreading the love of God and serving communities both locally and globally. Through our various mission initiatives, we aim to make a positive impact and share the message of hope with people everywhere by “Being Intentional”.
God’s heart is missional; it moved Him to give His very best. Likewise, the heart of ACC is missional. We are moved to spread that same grace, loving kindness, and mercy as we represent His unconditional love both locally and abroad.
ACC is called to authoritatively and intentionally go and be the Church of the Living God, by Loving God, Loving His People, and Watching Him Work to the end of the age!
Matthew 28:18-20 say, “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘ (18) All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (19) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (20) teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”


The Good Hood is a non-profit seeking to fight poverty by creating opportunity on San Antonio's Eastside. A ministry of presence, rooted in relationships, seeking to build a beloved community.

Agape’s Compassion Touching Souls (ACTS) Ministry is dedicated to being the church by serving the most marginalized on the streets with one gallon compassion bags stuffed with the basic items for survival and/or in lieu of monetary gifts.

Every Saturday a team of servant-leaders provide a worship experience for the residents filled with songs, reading of the Scriptures, prayer, and the proclamation of the Good News.

This ministry is dedicated to being the church by “strengthening relationships between the incarcerated parent(s) and their child(ren) and support the families of prisoners.” It starts with a gift on behalf of the incarcerated parent(s) to their child(ren) but extends the hope of the greatest Gift of all to families of loved ones in prison.

SAMMinistries is dedicated to being the church to the marginalized families at the Transitional Living Center by providing and serving families on Meal Nights and assisting with their Back to School Bash as they prepare for the new academic year.

Haven For Hope is dedicated to being the church by offering a Christ-centered ministry of presence to a place offering hope and new beginnings. We do this through the ministry of empathetic fellowship, snacks, and delivering a relevant Christ-centered word of hope despite their circumstances.

EDEN MISSION is being the church by equipping and empowering families through the gospel of Jesus Christ, the remedy to social and economic challenges that present poorly developed countries from flourishing to change a nation”. ACC in partnership with Eden Mission adopted Burundi who faces complex challenges across its political, social, and economic spheres.

CHM is a Christian Non-Government Organization working towards seeing the people of Southern Uganda particularly Rakai and Kyotera districts, released from the bondages of spiritual and physical poverty through Church led community interventions and approaches i.e. Child and Family Development, Church and Ministry Development, Community Transformation, Hope Health, Celebrate Hope SACCO, and Hope Coffee Uganda.

ADMIRAL’S BASKETBALL ACADEMY in partnership with Eugene Postalache is being life for the youth in Moldova & Ukraine using the simple game of basketball to introduce young people to Jesus, transforming lives, and growing leaders.